Monday, October 17, 2011

Tron Identity Disk

I got bored and nerdy one day and decided to buy an Identity Disk from the Tron Legacy movie. Like the one below.
Well, the disk sounds dumb and only has 12 LED lights in it and the one in the movie had like 150. So I decided to get super nerdy like I do and pump up the LED count.

You can go to your local auto store and will most likely find a set of these flexible LED light strips in any color you want.

Now rip that disk open and cut everything out of it keeping the outer ring in tact.

This is not an exact science and took a lot of toying and rigging to get all the light strips to fit.

I added a blue inner light ring and a white outer light ring.

The battery packs for each light ring had to be installed outside the disk. I also drilled holes for the power buttons for each color just below the batteries.

Now the previously crappy 12 LED light disk is a considerably better 54 LED light disk.

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